About Us
RenovaCare products are under development and not approved for sale in the United States.
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Cell Renewal, Naturally™
RenovaCare, Inc. is a biotechnology company focused on developing first-of-their-kind autologous (self-donated) stem cell therapies
for the regeneration of human organs.
Our initial products under development target the body’s largest organ, the skin. Our flagship technology, the CellMist™ System, uses our patented SkinGun™ to spray a liquid suspension of a patient’s stem cells – the CellMist™ Solution – onto wounds. We’re also developing medical-grade liquid spray devices for wound
care and irrigation fluids.
In investigative clinical use in the United States, SkinGun™ treatments have shown the potential to naturally and rapidly heal burns and other serious wounds.
We are developing our CellMist™ System as a promising new alternative for patients suffering from burns, chronic and acute wounds, and scars. In the US alone, this $45 billion market is greater than spending on high-blood pressure management, cholesterol treatments, and back pain therapeutics.
Currently in investigational clinical use for second degree burn patients in the United States, our CellMist™ System targets an estimated 143 million patients worldwide who suffer burns, chronic and acute wounds, acne scarring, and skin defects and diseases such as vitiligo (a skin discoloration condition, suffered by celebrities Michael Jackson and Jon Hamm). According to the National Institutes of Health, skin disorders account for 40% of occupational-disease claims nationally.
For patients the potential breakthrough of a quick-healing, gentle mist of their own stem cells will be a promising alternative to conventional skin grafts, which can be extremely painful, slow-to-heal, and prone to complications.
The CellMist™ System harvests a patient’s stem cells from a small area of skin, generally around 1 square inch, and suspends them in the water-based CellMist™ Solution. The suspension is delicately sprayed onto the wound using the SkinGun™ deposition device, where it begins to grow new skin at the cellular level.
RenovaCare’s SkinGun™ spray device is the world’s most advanced technology of its kind, using a gentle positive-pressure air stream to spray the CellMist™ Solution onto wounds. This is a marked improvement over pump spray devices, which spray by creating high pressure behind a narrow aperture, and expose fragile
cells to strong forces that are likely to tear them apart.
This procedure can take as little as 90 minutes from start to finish. In some cases patients will be able to leave the hospital within only a few days, rather than the many weeks required by other alternative treatments such as in-vitro cultured epithelial grafts.